An historiographic reflexion on the concept of baroque in Benedetto Croce

  • Jorge Velázquez Delgado Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa


The baroque is the period of Italian history that extends to the second half of sixteenth century to the first one of seventeenth. From always, this period has been focused like main cause of the decay of all the great culture that was developed in Italy during Renaissance. Croce, in oposition of this idea, makes the decay concept the paradigm for the study of this Italian history stormy chapter. Croce saw baroque as a negative time of synthesis and immoderation, but not in contrast with the Resurgimento, but, in its place, he opposes it to the extreme and xenophobic nationalisms. Thus, Croce attempts to receive in baroque's sine the human plurality of a chaotic time.


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Sección Monográfica: Reflexiones en torno a Croce