A day in the course of imaginant memory

  • Marí­a Noel Lapoujade


To speak of memory and imagination implies to reflect on cosmic times that govern its inhabitants: days, months, years, centuries, millenia, million years and, also, instants. For us occurs the pass of summers and winters, days and nights, springs and autumns, watches and dreams and, also, instants. It's the same thing about the moment of fertilization, the birth, the days, months and years, the death and, also, instants. To speak of cosmic times is, returning to Plato, to discover the movable images of the eternity. In this context, speak of lived, psychic memory and imagination is equal to be in a private cross that an invisible line tended between the lived times and the cosmic times. The passage of the cosmic times to the subjectivity could, by analogy with the light's propagation, to admit itself like a transit to an atmosphere with diferent density. Thus, is like a refraction process.


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