Cinema and philosophy. The ideatorian act as filmic event

  • Nora Marí­a Matamoros


Artaud afirmed that the cinema participates in the thought and posessess a peculiar and moving power that distinguishes and constitutes the force of the thought like an ideatorian act. This means the thought like the action by which it is possible to represent and be made clear essential forms of the universe. Thus, the cinema would be the vision in whose visibility trasluce the invisible order of a whole aspect of the world. A deep and meditated analysis of some of the works by authors like Wenders, Pasolini, Bergman or Kieslowski takes us to the conclusion that cinema can be a viable sense of interpretate of Artaud's words. Indeed, cinema seems to exercise the ideatorian act that, there's no doubt, also is present, although in a very diferent way, in the science or the philosophy of the classic period. Unlike these last ones. cinema accedes by a very diferent way that the ideatorian act makes use. The cinema has the power to do without the accomplishment of repeated empirical observations (as it is the case of science) or of inductive inferences (as it is the case of the philosophy) to make claer to spectator the essential forms (as structures of the universe).


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