The vindication of the difference in germanic romanticism

  • Marí­a Mateo i Ferrer


Within the philosophical discussion between Idealism and Romanticism that took place in Germany toward 1800, they were formed the basic directives that will guide all (critical or apologetical) later exposition about the subjectivity. The Idealism, represented by Fichte, Schelling and Hegel (its highest summit), supposes the radicalization of the modern subjectivity. This movement put the foundations of the systematic understanding of the world in an absolute selfconscienceness that did not admit any type of internal or external diferentiation. The first Romanticism (centered in the thoughts of Schlegel, Novalis and Hölderlin), however, was developed by the main consideration of the spontaneous and individual subjective life. The romantic subject was an individual with feelings, instincts and understanding. This kind of wealth was not let catch in a systematic thought but do it in the frame of the artistic expression. The first Romanticism supposed the discovery of the variety, the insecurity and the contradiction of the subject in Modernity.


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