The poetry expelled from the city. About the way that Homer became literature

  • Alicia Montemayor Garcí­a


In the IV century b. C., in Grece, appears a theory that links, in a systematical way, a series of events and discourses which outline the activity of the poets, musicians , dancers, sofistics, painters and sculptors, whose techne is explained in relation with the imitation, understood as imitation of the appereance. In contrast with philosophy, they would move in the intermediate world of doxa, mixing bright and dark, confusing and seducing those who contemplate and listen, and without expressing the truth trhough the logos, because they do not have a real knwledge of the things. The particular animosity of philosophy against poetry is not comprehensible if it is not taken into consideration that the last was the greek way to explain the world, that it gives account of the relationship between gods and men and it was the centre of civic life. In few words, it was the way in which men were formed and how they learned the proper way to live.


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Sección Monográfica: Filosofía y Literatura