Heteronomies in María Zambrano

  • Ana Marí­a Martí­nez de la Escalera


At a certain time, the disjunction between philosophy and poetry seemed to denominate the foundational moment which gave a singular life to philosophy, making it unnecessary to refer to anything that was not philosophy. The voice of thought that stopped being relevant to philosophy was the fable, where the word differed from life without disassociating itself from life. For Marí­a Zambrano there will always be a foreigner with whom she will fight and will defend philosophical thought. The disjunction assures a fragile identity, permanently in crisis, always in danger of being monopolized, reduced, sufocated by the other knowledge. But also the other and the separation which it makes possible is like a redress: it maintains united, although maybe subtlely, what is separate.


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Sección Monográfica Reflexiones en torno a María Zambrano