Gadamer on Heidegger: a reading of Die Ursprung des Kunstwerkes

  • Greta Rivara Kamaji


The paper analyzes Gadamer's interpretation of Heidegger's text Die Ursprung des Kunstwerkes. The author believes that there are few analysis of Heidegger's text that can attain the completeness of Gadamer's interpretation. And also there are few analysis that assign to Heidegger's text the importance that it deserves in the context of his philosophy. The paper clarifies to what extent Gadamer's interpretation of Die Ursprung des Kunstwerkes helps the reader to see that this text represents one of the principal themes of Heidegger's philosophy, and also of the history of philosophy in the twentieth century. Its main themes are: 1. The meaning of Die Ursprung des Kunstwerkes in the whole of Heidegger's philosophy; 2. The historical circumstances surrounding Die Ursprung...; 3. It places Die Ursprung... as a continuation of Heidegger's criticism of metaphysics, and as a possibility of surpassing its limitations.


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Sección Monográfica: Reflexiones en torno a Heidegger