On a possible solution to the dissolution of the dichotomy natural/supernatural in the world of objects

  • Rebeca Maldonado El Colegio México


The article reflects on the opposition between utility and beauty within the Romantic works, which permeates Heideggerian thought about technique. My proposal tries to establish a compromise between utility and beauty by way of the concept of non-utilization. Non-utilization is the transition from utility to beauty, which reduces to zero the opposition between utility and beauty. The aesthetical experience is an antiutilitarian movement and this does not happen only in nature or art, but also with objects. According to the author, the aesthetic experience of objects is one way of describing the ontological difference between being and entity. And only because of this, the aesthetic experience of the world is in fact one and the same ontological experience within the realm of thought, a realm which goes beyond art and also beyond technique.


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Sección Monográfica: Reflexiones en torno a Heidegger