Reconciliation of the political difference in the theorical realm of Rawls: ideas about his theoory of tolerance

  • Adrián López Cabello Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa


One of the essentials in Rawls's liberalism is the possibility of coexistence of diverse and incompatible life projects (in terms of a,fair balance of interests), this is, the possibility of a theory and a philosophical discussion about tolerance. The author's proposal is to articulate a conception of this tolerance not only as a passive questioning of the other that is also distant, but also as a creative and active acknowledgment of the djferetit, based on mutual respect and acceptance of the fundamental rights and liberties under conditions of fair cooperation. Above all, the idea of an overlapping consensus allows the understanding of the normative force of the public principles of justice and their fundamental aim to generate the social unity between life projects that are constantly open to conflict.


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