Heidegger: The relationship of his thinking with anthropology

  • Luis César Santiesteban


The main contribution of this paper is first of all to explain some notions that Heidegger adopts from Aristotle as well as Saint Agustin with a view to the elaboration of his analytic of Dasein. It also tries to show the ambivalent characteristic of the relationship between the German philosopher and the classic anthropology (Aristotle and Saint Agustin) because on the one hand, it assumes motives that result from the confrontation with such philosophies and on the other, it rejects them by giving them another focus. A brief reference is made to contemporary philosophic anthropology and tries to establish the relationship that Heidegger holds with it. Likewise this paper wishes to document the fact that Heidegger pretends to surpass man's metaphysical conception through his understanding of Dasein.


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