The exile of the good wurm. Maria Zambrano

  • María Rosa Palazón Mayoral Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas-Universidad Nacional


From the imagination and vitalist philosophies, Zambrano speaks about political exile. It is carried out by the fortunate ones; that is, the faithful to their ideals, free beings who do not lie because they do not need the disguises of the evil. The phases of exile are: 1) the banishment or loss of the mother country, the native soil and the fellows. Solitude. 2) To be a refugee who, watching the future, hopes to recover as soon as possible the lost existence. 3) Finally the exiled becomes aware that his attitude is thanatotic: what he longs for does not exist anymore, and, personally, he has not obtained a complete adaptation: he lives in a sort of limbo. Then transtierro happens to him: the exiled already has two mother countries, the one of origin and the other of stay, a double identity and identification.


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