The reception and transformation of the thought of M. Heidegger in the theology of R. Bultmann

  • Adrián Bertorello Centro de Estudios Filosóficos “Eugenio Pucciarelli”/Consejo Nacional de In


Bultmann appeals to Heidegger's philosophy in Sein und Zeit in order to justify the right understanding of man's being and thus get an ontological basis for the theological concepts. This can be observed, everytime Bultmann talks about man, he repeats the main concepts of Heidegger's thought. Repetition has its meaning from the distinction Heidegger makes in "Phänomenologie und Theologie", between theological knowledge and philosophy. According to this distinction, philosophy moves at a more radical and original level of analysis than theology. However, there are several concepts in Bultmann's thought that, implicitly, reverts the relations between both types of knowledge and thus reformulates Dasein's original and radical analysis: which is no longer a mere ontological concept but it turns into a theological one.


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