Theory and critique of ideology in Luis Villoro

  • Mario Teodoro Ramírez Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo


In this paper it is presented a systematic exposition of the concept of ideology that Luis Villoro constructs through his philosophic trajectory, as a base to explain the critique of the ideologies and the critique of the form-ideology as practical-social task of the philosophical thought, in particular, considering its relations with the sociocultural and political context of the country. This way, I expose 1) the epistemological concept of ideology worked by Villoro in the decades of the 70's and 80's; 2) the ethic-political concept of ideology, developed by the Mexican philosopher in the decade of the 90's; and 3) in retrospective, the historical-cultural concept of ideology, impliedly present in the studies that Villoro dedicated, in the beginnings of his intellectual career (the 50's), to the historical analysis of the reality in Mexico. Hereby, the essay develops around, and concludes with the thesis that the whole sense of the conception and critique of the ideology that the Mexican philosopher proposes cannot be understood as a purely conceptual and theoretical issue, but that it has to be related with his posture as a thinker deeply committed with the social and political problematic of our country.


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