Five thesis around the arquitextures of historical language. Forty years after Hayden White’s Metahistory

  • Nicolás Lavagnino Universidad de Buenos Aires/Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina


The primary objective of this article is to consider the advent of Hayden White’s philosophy of history as the result of a commitment with five theses that articulate the theory as a whole. That commitment allows to understand much of the space occupied by narrativism critics, but in terms that instead of assuming the need for a dismissal of the theory (by the fact that one or another aspect of a thesis is conceptually problematic), guide us in the opposite direction. The ultimate goal is to show, in the light of the five theses, how are resolved the eventual inconsistencies of the theory in response to effective criticism in order to radicalize theory. If that were the case, then Metahistory was the point of departure (and not of arrival) in the emergence of another philosophy of history.


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