Nietzsche and Kantian teleological judgment: Overcoming rational optimism

  • Begoña Pessis García Universidad de Chile


This article aims to elucidate the central points in the critique of the Kantian notion of teleology set out by young Nietzsche in his unfinished doctoral thesis project of 1868. I will focus on the identification of two issues of Nietzche’s criticism: a theoretical one, pointing at the epistemological and ontological problems of the Kantian theory, and a practical one, which looks at the ethical issues implied in the Kantian doctrine. Basically, the objective is to show that Nietzsche rejects the concept of purposiveness (Zweckmässigkeit) for being a counterfeiting form of intellect —unnecessary for synthesizing experience and with a historical and physiological origin—, which, besides, favors a nihilistic and decadent ethics.


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