The topicality of Horkheimer and Adorno’s “Elements of anti-Semitism”

  • Stephanie Graf Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa, Doctoranda en el Filosofía Moral y Política


The present article gives account of the epistemic vision exposed by Adorno and Horkheimer in the “Elements of anti-Semitism”, a text contained in the Dialectics of Enlight­enment: the authors introduce a notion of knowledge that sustains an essayistic approach to its object using the strategy of montage. “Elements of anti-Semitism” consists of seven theses, which are interrelated in a non-determinant way, forming a conceptual constellation around the issue. Through this strategy, the authors oppose the system as the hegemonic form of philosophical production, conceived by Adorno and Horkheimer as annihilating difference and therefore totalitarian. According to this, my reading of this text tries to do justice to this epistemological proposal by constituting it in the way the authors suggest: the theses were disassembled and re-grouped, in order to give account of new interpretative perspectives on the phenomenon of anti-Semitism, as well as aspects neglected in most of the reception of Adorno and Horkheimer’s work.


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