Analogy and symbol: Key concepts for the joint between nature and freedom in Kant´s Kritik der Urteilskraft


In this article, I analyze the concepts of analogy and symbol in the Kritik der Urteilskraft, as well as the role of analogical-symbolic procedure in the articulation between nature and freedom. In the same way, the implications of the symbol will be analyzed as a sensitizing element of the ideas. In this sense, paragraph 59 is decisive in understanding the scope of the analogue procedure and its formulation under the figure of beauty as a symbol of morality. For this: First, I analyze the concept of analogy and its development in the critical period of Kant’s philosophy. Second, I describe the notion of example that develops in the “Analytic of the beautiful”. Finally, I deal with the notion of symbol, from their differences with respect to the example, to later reflect on the function of analogy as a symbol of morality.


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