The presence of Jewish prophetism in H. Cohen’s and E. Cassirer’s Neo-Kantianism


This paper focuses on the influence that the tradition of Jewish prophetism shows in the interpretation of Kant’s philosophy claimed by the scholars of the Univer­sity of Marburg, Hermann Cohen and Ernst Cassirer. Both considered a key point to argue for the continuity between the notions of right and historical temporality stem­ming from the classical Jewish thought and Kant’s transcendental model. The paper has three main goals. First, it tackles Cohen’s vindication of Jewish intellectuals as key actors of the making of European civilization. Second, it highlights the debt that Cassirer’s theory of symbolic forms owes to Cohen’s conception of messianism. Third, it aims at outlining a line of contemporary Jewish thought that decides to underline the large contribution of some of its prominent figures to the genesis of European culture and political modern tradition.


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