The summum bonum in Kant’s Religionsschrift


In this article, my aim is to show that the theory of the highest good in the Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason reflects great coherence and unity with what Kant says on the same topic in other works. In contrast with commentators who endorse a secular humanist reading of this notion in Kant’s late works, I defend the thesis that the highest good must be interpreted —due to textual and systematic reasons— as a notion which, on the one hand, is irreductible to mere political o moral enterprises, and, on the other, presupposes God as a transcendent being who gives his aid to human beings in order for them to overcome moral and physical evils and attain happiness in proportion to virtue.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Charpenel, Universidad Panamericana, campus México Facultad de Filosofía
Eduardo Charpenel es profesor-investigador de tiempo completo en la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Panamericana (Ciudad de México). Realizó el doctorado en la Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität de Bonn. Su libro Ethos und Praxis. Der Charakterbegriff bei Aristoteles fue publicado por la editorial Karl Alber en 2017. Asimismo ha publicado artículos especializados y capítulos en libros colectivos en México, España y Alemania. Es miembro desde 2018 del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (nivel I).


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