Orienting yourself in darkness: self-realization and concern for the truth in the work of Harry G. Frankfurt

  • Agustín Reyes Morel Universidad de la República


The work of Harry Frankfurt has usually been framed within contempo­rary discussions on the autonomy of will or moral responsibility. This article proposes the thesis that his work does not completely conform to these conceptual frameworks; on the contrary, it constitutes a novel perspective on the notion of self-realization in the field of analytic philosophy. To support this interpretation, the idea of alienation as a functional disturbance in the process of appropriation presented by Rahel Jaeggi is articulated with the Frankfurtian analyzes on the pathologies of will, love as a source of practical normativity and the concern for truth.  


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Author Biography

Agustín Reyes Morel, Universidad de la República
Profesor adjunto en el Departamento de Economía de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y de Administración


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