Death penalty: the theater of cruelty and the sovereign imagination


Jacques Derrida devotes two of his last seminars, between 1999 and 2001, to analyze the death penalty as a central issue in understanding sovereignty as an exceptional decision on life and death. My aim in this article is to analyze, from what Derrida calls a scopic drive, the relationship between the creation of power and the theatre of cruelty. This involve, adding one more vector to Derrida's analyses, from a reading of Beccaria: Imagination, which I will analyze both in relation to how the sovereign is represented in the imagination of citizens and how, from the death penalty, he imagines his sovereignty.


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Author Biography

Miriam Jerade Dana, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez Facultad de Artes Liberales
Doctora en filosofía por la Sorbona de Paris (Paris IV) profesora del Colegio de Filosofía enla Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM, y miembro del Sistema Nacional deInvestigadores. Durante 2015 obtuvo la Ivan and Nina Ross Family Fellow en el Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies de la University of Pennsylvania y entre 2013-2015 disfrutó de un postdoctorado en la Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana sobre el discurso del antisemitismo.  Ha publicado artículos sobre la relación entre lenguaje y política, laslecturas de Derrida de Paul Celan, la pena de muerte y el discurso del antisemitismo.Recientemente publicó su primer libro de autor Violencia. Una lectura desde ladeconstrucción de Jacques Derrida.


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