A taxonomy of emotions as a methodological guide for democratic education

  • Helena Modzelewski


The education of emotions has recently been promoted by the affective turn in the social sciences. However, most of these approaches to emotions fail to undertake a work in the field of emotions called political or public, as defined by Martha Nussbaum as the emotions that refer to the State, its institutions and the fellow citizens. This article seeks to present a guide for a citizen education based on political emotions, on the grounds that their educability is enabled by the development of self-conscious reflection and that it is therefore possible to determine categories of emotions that favor democratic coexistence, such as their adequacy,  their direction and their opening or closing of the borders of the self. These categories, inspired by Martha Nussbaum’s, Jon Elster’s and Adela Cortina’s works, are offered as a methodological guide for a citizen education that seeks the cultivation of self-conscious reflection in relation to political emotions. This guide could overcome the current difficulty of both teaching and evaluating the political dimension of emotions in formal education.


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