The fundamental philosophical significance of the Logische Untersunchungen by Husserl
The author faces the husserlian work that has been characterized as the philosophical treatise of the present century that has exercised the biggest influence in the later thinkers. What does mean to be a phenomenological thinker from the perspective of this legacy? Husserl doesn't assume any metaphysical belief; he is not an idealist although it describes objects referred to the conscience; he is not realistic although he understands the nature like something independent of that conscience. Rather, the phenomenological thinker takes a double life: at one hand, he lives more or less as a man in their daily beliefs well founded, at the same time that, as inheritor of the tradition openend up by Husserl, it puts among parenthesis those beliefs to describe them.Downloads
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Las Investigaciones Lógicas de Edmund Husserl a los 100 años de su publicación