The objetivation of the unobjectivable: Convergence between art and philosophy in Aesthetic Theory of T. W. Adorno


This article analyzes the current possibilities of T. W. Adorno’s proposal regarding his vision of the relationships between art and the truth; for this, some passages of Aesthetic Theory (1970) are explored, in which he raises two central ideas in his reflection: on the one hand, the truth contents that are revealed in the artworks and, on the other, the scopes of an individual subjectivity that can still think about the possibilities of an emancipated life. For Adorno, works of art are the expression of a truth that is subjectively conceived, but that exceed any purely individual intention and, as a force of resistance, can show what escapes objective representation. According to this, the initial hypothesis is that, regardless of the position or intentionality of the author, art contributes to the clarification of various ethical and political phenomena due to the historical codification of form and, above all, by the autonomy of the work of art.


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Author Biography

Javier Corona Fernández, Universidad de Guanajuato
Doctor en Filosofía Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Profesor titular B en el Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad de Guanajuato.


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