L’expression et l’invisible. Sketch for a phenomenological aesthetics at Merleau-Ponty

  • Sergio González Araneda Universidad de Chile


I propose to elucidate the theoretical foundations of Merleau-Ponty’s thought to elaborate the way to a phenomenological aesthetics in his philosophy. For this, it  is necessary to delimit the technical concepts to which Merleau-Ponty appeals and, renewing the Husserlian method, exposes them as a phenomenological opening to the  sensible world. The concepts that will guide the investigation are: expression, flesh and the dynamics between the visible and the invisible. All of this will allow us to present the discoveries made by the French philosopher, while opening a series of consequences that still need reflection and analysis.


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Author Biography

Sergio González Araneda, Universidad de Chile
Investigador y Profesor de Filosofía. Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH) y Estudiante de Máster en Filosofía en la Universidad de Chile (UCH).