Ideology as deceptive justification: notes for a postmetaphysical conceptualization


The concept of ideology has played an important role in explaining and criticizing the reproduction and justification of circumstances of oppression and domination. However, its formulation in terms of false consciousness has the burden of assuming an asymmetry between the one who attributes ideology and the supposed victim, which is an almost indefensible perspective. As a way to overcome this difficulty, I propose a formulation of the concept in postmetaphysical terms, which, in being anchored in intersubjectivity and proceduralism, cancels the possibility of assuming a privileged access in the ideology attribution process. Such formulation consists of a deceptive justification that generates the blockage to justification, that is, the closure of the subject to the reasons of the others and hence to a reinforcement of one’s already adopted beliefs. This formulation also opens the way for situating the critique of ideology in the processes of justification, especially in the spaces where public discussion takes place.


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Author Biography

Gustavo Pereira, Universidad de la República (Uruguay)
Gustavo Pereira es Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Valencia.Profesor Titular y Director del Departamento de Filosofía dela Prácticade la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad dela República(Uruguay).Ha fundado y es co-responsable del grupo interdisciplinario de investigación “Ética, justicia y economía” en la UdelaR. Sus principales líneas de investigación son las teorías de justicia, la teoría de la democracia y las patologías sociales. Es autor de los libros Medios, capacidades y justicia distributiva (UNAM, 2004), Las voces de la igualdad (Proteus, 2010), Elements of a Critical Theory of Justice (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2013), Imposed Rationality and Imagination Besieged (Springer, 2019), y editor junto con Adela Cortina de Pobreza y libertad (Tecnos, 2009). 


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